Welcome to the WBBROC Invasive Species Advisory Committees’ invasive species community of practice website.
This website aims to provide you with up to date invasive species information and resources to assist you in managing invasive species in the Wide Bay Burnett!
Case Studies
From wild dogs to parthenium outbreaks, the WBBROC Invasive Species Advisory Committee and its partners are collaboratively working together to protect the region’s values from invasive species.
Provided below are highlights of case studies currently being undertaken in the Wide Bay Burnett.
For further information on any of these projects, or if you have any ideas on how to build sustainable biosecurity frameworks in our region, please contact your local government’s biosecurity team for a chat!
Ironpot Wild Dog Trapping Syndicate, South Burnett Regional Council
Through the development of a wild dog trapping syndicate, Ironpot landholders have engaged a wild dog trapper to protect their livestock from the impact of wild dogs. See how their trapping syndicate works, and discover how you could also reap the benefit of syndicates.

MSF Sugar Feral Pig Working Group
Impacted by feral pigs, MSF Sugar drove the development of a feral pig working group to improve coordination of regional management activities. Read how the group was developed.
Managing Butchulla Country – Butchulla Aboriginal Corporation’s
The Butchulla Aboriginal Corporation’s Land and Sea Rangers undertake a range of activities to protect the Fraser Coast region from a range of biosecurity threats. Hear from Corey and Conrad on what biosecurity activities they undertake in partnership with regional stakeholders to protect the region from invasive plants and animals.
Managing on-farm biosecurity risks
Practicing on-farm biosecurity activities is an essential process to protect your farm from a range of biosecurity risks. Hear from Belinda on some of her practical tips to protect your farm.
Where weed seeds hide on a vehicle
Vehicle movement is one of the greatest threats for biosecurity matter to come onto your farm. See what areas of the vehicle weed seeds like to hide.
Coastline fox management
Hear more from Ron how the Gidarjil Caring for Country Rangers are working with a range of stakeholders to protect marine turtles from fox predation in the Bundaberg region.
Looking for invasive species management advice to meet your General Biosecurity Obligation? We have compiled a list on a range of invasive species management topics to assist you in your planning and management programs.
For further information on any of the topics below, or for anything else biosecurity related, please contact your local government’s biosecurity team.
Pest Animals

This website has been developed through funding by the Queensland Government as part of the Better Partnership Project.