Prioritising invasive species is an important aspect to determining regional and local priorities, and paves the way to maximise efficiencies in protecting economic, social, environmental and cultural values from the impacts of invasive species. To assist stakeholders in prioritising invasive species in the Wide Bay Burnett, the WBBROC Invasive Species Advisory Committee has developed an invasive species prioritisation framework to be used when determining invasive species priorities in the region.
The invasive species prioritisation framework is a three-step process that recognises individual biological and ecological components of the invasive species being scored, as well as operational constraints for managing the invasive species at a local and regional levels.

It is important to remember that the use of the invasive species prioritisation framework should not be a sole decision-making tool, and should only be used to support final decisions.

This website has been developed through funding by the Queensland Government as part of the Better Partnership Project.