WBBROC has produced a “Water Trails of the Wide Bay Burnett” brochure that is available at tourist information centres and Councils in the Wide Bay Burnett Region.
The interactive map and information on the Wide Bay Burnett Water Trails can also be accessed online at: http://www.widebayburnett.qld.gov.au/RegionalWaterTrail.aspx
WBBROC has produced a “Water Trails of the Wide Bay Burnett” brochure that is available at tourist information centres and Councils in the Wide Bay Burnett Region.
The interactive map and information on the Wide Bay Burnett Water Trails can also be accessed online at: http://www.widebayburnett.qld.gov.au/RegionalWaterTrail.aspx
Information is available on great places to fish, canoe, swim, snorkel, dive, surf, kayak and other water related activities