Developed in 2017, the Wide Bay Burnett Regional Organisation of Councils’ Invasive Species Advisory Committee is a partnership between government and natural resource management agencies, aiming to promote regional invasive species management activities across the Wide Bay Burnett region. The partnership is built upon the acknowledgement that invasive species do not respect administrative boundaries and threaten the economic, social, environmental and cultural values that the region is defined by.
To coordinate a response to the threat posed by invasive species in the region, the Committee developed the Wide Bay Burnett Regional Biosecurity Strategy 2017-2022, which aims to present a regional framework for the management of invasive species in the Wide Bay Burnett. Core to the Regional Biosecurity Strategy s four management goals, being:
Management Goal 1 – Prevent the establishment of new invasive species within the Wide Bay Burnett;
Management Goal 2 – Eliminate, or prevent the spread of, new invasive species in the Wide Bay Burnett;
Management Goal 3 – Reduce the impacts of widespread invasive species in the Wide Bay Burnett; and
Management Goal 4 – Ensure the community of the Wide Bay Burnett has the ability and commitment to manage invasive species.

This website has been developed through funding by the Queensland Government as part of the Better Partnership Project.