WBBROC works in a collaborative way, wherever it can, to achieve its goals. We work closely with key stakeholders and form alliances where necessary. Some of the organisations we work closely with include:
- The Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) www.lgaq.asn.au
- The Regional Development Association (RDA) www.rdawidebayburnett.org.au
- The Burnett Inland Economic Development Organisation (BIEDO) www.biedo.org.au
- Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) www.qra.qld.gov.au
- Burnett Mary Regional Group (BMRG) www.bmrg.org.au
WBBROC – 20 years: 1999-2019
2019 marked a 20-year milestone for WBBROC. The initial meeting of 23 Wide Bay Burnett Councils was held on 5 February 1999, with Cr Bill Trevor (Isis Shire) acting as Chair.
Local government amalgamations in 2007 reduced the number of Wide Bay Burnett Councils to 6 and the collaboration between these Councils has gone from strength to strength.
Achievements over the years include the collaboration on telecommunications blackspots with all 6 Councils combining to engage an independent consultant to collect data and develop a detailed report. The Wide Bay Burnett region received 17% of federal black spot funding in Queensland – close to twice as much as it should have received, due to this collaboration.
For a fuller list of achievements, go to: WBBROC Achievements 2016-2019