Our Vision

To make the Wide Bay Burnett an attractive, affordable and progressive region to live, work and invest.

Our goals

The Wide Bay Regional Organisation of Councils (WBBROC) is a peak advocacy organisation that supports and advances the regional interests of its members and their communities by strategically shaping the way our region will develop over the next 10 years. We are committed to increasing economic prosperity and social well-being by enabling economic activity, through retaining and attracting people to move to the region.

Provide collaborative leadership for the region

Provide credible advice to key stakeholders • Advocate for regional priorities • Promote the profile, value and reputation of Local Government • Interact with other levels of government • Work together to deliver on regional initiatives.

Maintain and deliver improved regional economic outcomes

Promote the economic benefits and liveability of the region • Deliver a policy framework that supports enhanced economic development • Showcase the strengths and promote the opportunities of the region

Facilitate planning at a regional level

Advocate for regional priorities in the planning reform agenda and other key policies and programs • Deliver integrated social, economic and environmental outcomes in planning decisions • Align regional planning and economic development outcomes.

Drive regional infrastructure development

Partner and deliver projects to improve business, communities and the environment • Seek maximum investment in regional infrastructure priorities • Align infrastructure requirements with economic priorities.

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